Wednesday, September 24, 2014

photos-These Are The Horrible Effects Drugs Can Do To You, stay away from drugs

                                 Look at that effect in less than 7 months

 Numerous figures in our life has always told us never to do drugs, some listen and stay out of its way all their life, some gets curious but quickly realizes that it’s not good for them; but for some, they get hooked and can’t seem to find their way out of the addiction. There are multiple reasons why someone should never do drugs, so many negative effects; to name a few, serious behavioral and emotional changes that could be detrimental to the overall health of a person. Drug abuse has been known to destroy careers, separate families and even devastate the mental state of a person. The most obvious effects are the physical, perfect examples are given by the sheriff’s office in Multnomah County in Oregon. Their anti-drug campaign shares the pictures of the physical effects of drug abuse as they archive pictures of known drug addicts, the fascinating and at the same time disturbing before and after see more here:

                                           Amazing degradation in 7 years

                                           The difference in 7 years

                                                JUST IN 4 YEARS

                                                                    JUST IN 3 YEARS
Drugs destroys life, so keep off and live a healthy and good life for your own sake.. DRUG OR NOT