Monday, May 28, 2018

Nicki Minaj Delays New Album: Here's Everything We Know About Queen

Nicki Minaj is asking for a bit more patience from her loyal fanbase.
Those preparing to drop everything and run to their nearest record store on June 15 were sorely disappointed by the rapper's announcement on Thursday. Her first studio album in four years would not drop on the originally scheduled date after all, Minaj shared on Instagram Live. Queen, as it's titled, will instead come out Aug. 10.

In April, Minaj released two songs at once, "Barbie Tingz" and "Chun Li," the latter of which she performed on the season finale of Saturday Night Live. The New York native previously described Queen as the "best album I've ever, ever, ever created in my life," and something tells us the delay will be worth the wait.

Here's everything we know about Nicki's