The numbers
put the track on course to be one of the biggest ever selling records -
also reaching Number One in the iTunes chart in 106 countries.
The site adds that only two albums have ever sold more than 500,000 in a week.
That’s Progress notched up 518,601 sales in November 2010, and Oasis’s
Be Here Now, is the record holder with 695,761 in its first chart week
in August 1997.
Charts Company chief executive Martin Talbot said: 'With this mammoth
first day sales tally, Adele has taken a further step towards greatness.
'Over the next few days we will find out whether it can pass the magic half a million sales mark.'
her huge success, Adele remains down-to-earth and fooled her biggest
fans by undergoing a facial transformation for a sketch during her BBC
special on Friday night.