As part of a redesign that will be unveiled next March, the print edition of Playboy will still feature women in provocative poses. But they will no longer be fully nude.

Its executives admit that Playboy has been overtaken by the changes it pioneered.
For a generation of American men, reading Playboy was a cultural rite,
an illicit thrill consumed by flashlight. Now every teenage boy has an
Internet-connected phone instead. Pornographic magazines, even those as
storied as Playboy, have lost their shock value, their commercial value
and their cultural relevance.
“That battle has been fought and won,” said Scott Flanders, the company’s chief executive. “You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passé at this juncture.”
Due to internet porn, Playboy’s circulation has dropped from 5.6 million
in 1975 to about 800,000 now, according to the Alliance for Audited
Media. Many of the magazines that followed it have disappeared.

'You're now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And
so it's just passé at this juncture,' Playboy Enterprises CEO Scott
Flanders told the Times.
Playboy's website got rid of nudity last August, and the company says that traffic quadrupled to 16million as a result.
Future versions of Playboy will still feature pictures of women in
'provocative poses', but not full nudity and it is not yet known whether
it will keep publishing a centerfold.
Hefner, who still personally selects all the nude spreads for the
magazine, was not quoted in the Times piece and has not commented
publicly on his Twitter account.

The company insists that its strategy is best for business.
'Don't get me wrong,' editor Cory Jones said of the decision to dispense
with nudity, '12-year-old me is very disappointed in current me. But
it's the right thing to do