Thursday, October 09, 2014

News Fears killer Ebola virus has arrived in Australia: Nurse undergoing tests in Cairns

An Australian nurse who has just returned from helping Ebola victims in western Africa, where the epidemic to date has killed 3900, was last night waiting in Cairns hospital for results of tests for the fatal disease.
Sue Ellen Kovack is the 11th Australian to be tested for the highly contagious disease in Australian labs, while a returning NSW aid worker has been placed in isolation.
A registered nurse, Ms Kovack, 57, flew back to Queensland at the weekend after spending a month helping victims in an Ebola hospital in Sierra Leone, one of the three countries worst hit by West Africa’s outbreak.
Ms Kovack is one of at least three aid workers — including a NSW nurse returning from Liberia — who have followed strict protocols putting returning healthcare workers in isolation at home for 21 days.
Sue Ellen Kovack is the 11th Australian to be tested for the highly contagious disease in Australian labs, while a returning NSW aid worker has been placed in isolation.
A registered nurse, Ms Kovack, 57, flew back to Queensland at the weekend after spending a month helping victims in an Ebola hospital in Sierra Leone, one of the three countries worst hit by West Africa’s outbreak.
Ms Kovack is one of at least three aid workers — including a NSW nurse returning from Liberia — who have followed strict protocols putting returning healthcare workers in isolation at home for 21 days.
Ms Kovack was helping victims of the disease in Kenema with fellow Red Cross worker, anaesthetist Jenny Stedmon, 55, who is now at home in isolation in Brisbane.
She predicted 70 per cent of people who contract the disease will die from it after eight or nine days of nausea and pain, with bleeding from the eyes, ears and nose. scorned from