Friday, October 24, 2014

7 Ways to Fully Satisfy Your Partner

If you are looking to fully satisfy your partner and you really want to enjoy your time in the bedroom, here are a few tips that will supercharge your sex life and keep you partner focused on how great you are.

1. Your love making session should not be a race to orgasm. Do not rush yourself or your partner. A slow start with gradual increase will give you more sexual pleasure then rushed sex.

2. Keep in mind that arousal times are different and unique to your sex. A woman requires foreplay to get warmed up and aroused. Foreplay before intercourse will intensify your orgasm and make the whole sexual experience more satisfying for the both of you.

3. Become an expert in the arts of gentle touching, caressing and kissing, playing with her ears, lips, inner thighs, belly button, breasts and even the toes. Vary the pressure of your touch, firm and gentle, pause and resume; make your foreplay interesting.

4. Most women see sex as an expression of love, and if they don't feel nurtured, they may not get aroused or come to orgasm. Love her well and earn her trust.

5. Once a woman is aroused she will have the natural desire for penetration. There is no alternative for a hard and strong erection. If for any reason, you are not able to get hard erections, you could try some safe male enhancement pills. One of our favourites is Rizer XL.

6. Match your breathing rhythm with your partners. Breathing in tandem will greatly increase sexual satisfaction. This is also a great way of feeling completely connected to your partner. Moaning and shouting with pleasure could intensely arouse your partner.

7. When a woman reaches orgasm, it can be so intense that she needs a few minutes to recover and comeback fully. Let her enjoy it in your arms and then be ready to give her second orgasm. If you are taking some male enhancement supplements such as Rizer XL, your sexual performance will increase naturally and you will able to perform past your peak every time.

Lastly add variety to your sex life. Try new sexual positions, play out your fantasies in bedroom, try aromatic massages, have sex in new locations like bathroom, Jacuzzi, swimming pools, gardens etc. to make it exciting. Try following these easy to follow tips and see how exciting your sex life will be.

John Peterson is author of various articles on Men's Health. John recommends natural ways to improve Men's health for various issues in his articles. Strongly recommends RizerXL ( as Male Enhancement Supplements.

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