Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Oscar Pistorious Suffering from Depression & PTSD – Psych Report

Following a 30-day court-ordered psychiatric evaluation, results are said to reveal that Oscar Pistorious is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and depression.
According to one of the psychologists who conducted the evaluation,”Pistorious needs continuing psychiatric care or he could become suicidal.”
The evaluation was carried out so that a team of psychiatrists and psychologists could determine whether the paralympian was criminally responsible for shooting and killing his girlfriend at the time, Reeva Steenkamp.
A few days ago, it was reported that the verdict of the evaluation was that Pistorius did not have a mental disorder when he killed Steenkamp.
However, other results of the examination have been revealed, which indicate that although the paralympian was aware of right and wrong during the crime, he was suffering from depression and PTSD, according to abc News .